cross cultural

Cross Cultural Training

At Siuma Mobility we believe that cultural differences allow opportunities for our clients to enjoy a new country through other perspectives, enriching them by offering different point of views.

For a multinational organization, it is important for its executives to possess a range of abilities that will allow them to sail across the different styles of communication, behavior and corporate regulations that origin from this new culture.

Executive Cross Cultural Training

Through our training, we help the collaborator and his family to develop conscience and comprehension of the cultural differences that might come up. Our training will provide them the necessary tools to handle the impact of these cultural differences, diminishing the culture shock in the country of destiny, including:

  • Phases of International Assignments
  • Cultural Shock
  • Issues vs Expectations
  • Intercultural Competence
  • Communication Barriers
  • Historic Reference
  • Lifestyle

Cross Cultural Management Worskhop

Working with multicultural groups can pose a challenge in integration and communication due to their cultural difference. The purpose of the workshop is to allow all parties to understand the roots of the difference for a better understanding and facilitate the knowledge transfer to achieve company objectives.
This workshop includes:

  • Professional needs
  • Workplace cultural shock
  • Expectation vs Reality in the office
  • Cultural Competency in the workplace
  • Cultural Dimensions: Communicating across culture
    • High context vs high content
    • Providing feedback: Evaluating performance
    • Disagreeing: How to Agree to Disagree
    • Motivating, Inspiring, Persuading
    • Respect: Egalitarian vs Hierarchical
    • Time: Linear vs Flexible

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Because we are a single point of contact for managing your mobility needs in the region.

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Because we provide support to our clients in the development of expatriation policies.

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Because we have a model based on a “seamless and simple” culture, making the relocation process a successful experience for the expatriate and his/her family.

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Because we can place a mobility professional within your company, to minimize the administrative burden on the Human Resources department.

*You must fill out the contact form to download the guide.

